Katherine and Mike got married at City Hall and wanted to have some fun portraits taken on their wedding day with their awesome dog Mochi. Thanks for the great session guys!
“Mike and I met each other at UC Berkeley and have been together for almost 9 years, living in San Francisco for 7 of those years. Mike graduated from UCSF dental school last year and is currently practicing as a general dentist in San Francisco. I currently do lung biology research at a small biotech company in South SF, so we are health science folk.
In our spare time we enjoy cycling, hiking, camping, and doing anything and everything with our dog. Mochi has even gone stand up paddle boarding with us! I enjoy baking and Mike enjoys eating. Mike is 6’4″ while I am only 5’3″ so our height difference has always been a defining characteristic of us as a couple–I thought I’d mention it in case it makes some photos hard to orchestrate. We frequently participate in scavenger/mystery games and always appreciate a good laugh over a good beer.
We used to be big travelers before the dog came along. Now we stick to local dog friendly destinations like Tahoe. Yes, we are those crazy dog people that other people joke about.”